
A Finnish Noun:

Extraordinary endurance in the face of adversity – persistence, determination, guts – full of courage, tenacity, resolve, willpower and an indomitable spirit

Si: Yes in Spanish
Su: Short for Suzanne

Together:  SiSu is Yes Suzanne 

Yes Suzanne, the best affirmation I keep telling myself. My very own mantra.


“Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life”

Mary Oliver

My whole journey began with this nagging thought: Is this all there is?

Everything looked good on the outside, all boxes checked as expected. However, there was a hole in my heart that I just couldn’t fill.

Something was missing.

I was made to feel awkward when I voiced this out. I was called ungrateful when I didn’t accept the status quo of settling and conforming. The more it looked good on the outside the more I was disconnected from the inside.

Sounds familiar?

I finally got my wakeup call. I listened to and trusted my own inner voice. I paid attention to all the signals around  leading me to break free and to live a life that is a true expression of who I am.

I had no fear facing my fears. I knew that going deep can be painful and with the outcome, I was initiated to live my own life; free, liberated, based on a new revealed knowing and I never looked back. The best gift life gave me was to connect to myself through this magical journey.

I transformed and to date, I continue to not only transform, but to expand with every breath I take. In the journey of living the life of the authentic self, there is no end, and it is never too late to begin this journey as long as one is still breathing.

Oh yes, I lived a true Hero’s Journey. And I have arrived to the home within. Finally what is outside is a reflection of what is inside.

I am here to walk the journey of a lifetime with you. I am here to share all the insights on how it is really right there within us to live our own legend. I am here to support you raise your awareness, discover your endless potential, explore possibilities, find alignment and balance, transform your life to what you deserve and find your very own unique print ,worthy of your existence  and in harmony with the  universe.